Enter 'Big Picture' mode, by clicking on the steam icon. REQUIREMENTS: - One Controller (Not mandatory to have same controller brand) - Keyboard and Mouse. Setting up the console In order to load the previous configurations and be able to load custom campaings, we will use some console commands, this section of the guide will teach you how bring up the in-game console And thats it, Left 4 Dead 2 will recognize your xbox 360 Controller as Player 2 and you will be able to use your Keyboard and Mouse as Player1.Here is a quick tutorial on showing you how to get Mouse and keyboard and gamepad for player 1 rebinded so you can play with either mouse and keyboard or gam.Kauf Bunter! Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay. Schau Dir Angebote von Left4dead auf eBay an.Home Left 4 Dead 2 splitscreen keyboard and controller Left4dead - Left4dead? auf eBa